50,000 innocent hounds at 109 remaining tracks worldwide need your help right now! Please sign and share our petition to help generate individual emails to the leaders of all commercial dog racing countries.
There are twenty-one countries in which dog racing occurs but may or may not have reached a commercial stage. When considering whether the racing of greyhounds qualifies as "commercial," we look at several criteria including whether a law has been passed that authorizes gambling on the speed and/or ability of greyhounds, the existence of a regulatory structure, the physical presence of racetracks, evidence of gambling, whether the host state or subdivision shares in any gambling proceeds, fees charged by host locations, the use of professional racing kennels, the number of dogs participating in races, the existence of an official racing code, and membership, if any, in a greyhound racing federation or trade association.
Did you know that greyhound racing spells suffering and death for nearly 50,000 greyhounds all across the globe every year? Dogs are forced to live in tiny cages, deprived of vet care, drugged, starved and abused, then many are simply killed.
Read our international dog racing fact sheet to learn more about this cruel industry.
The following is a list of countries in which other forms of dog racing has recently occurred, occurs now, and/or is scheduled to occur.
Non-Commercial Dog Racing
There are currently 21 countries in which non-commercial greyhound racing takes place. GREY2K USA Worldwide does not currently have a position for or against non-commercial dog racing, and this data is presented for informational purposes only.
Greyhound Simulcasting
At least 31 countries/territories allow simulcast betting and wagering on greyhounds. Greyhound tracks broadcast their races to locations across the world, where remote bettors are able to place wagers on these races.
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Isle of Man
New Zealand
South Africa
St. Croix
St. Kitts
St. Marten
St. Thomas
Trinidad & Tobago
United States of America
Lawmaker Spotlight
Lawmakers are fighting for greyhounds around the world
Ways to Help Greyhounds
Sign our petition to end dog racing around the world >
Star News - Greyhound dies after winning race in Christchurch
RNZ - Greyhound adoption sours over terms and conditions
Crikey - Greyhound overbreeding surges and death toll mounts
Irish Examiner - Banned elsewhere, funded here: Why Ireland still supports greyhound racing
Read more >
BIG NEWS: Wales set to ban dog racing!
Together, we can end dog racing in the UK
READ NOW! Our new survey shows Scottish dog racing is an economic disaster
Hooray! New Zealand to ban dog racing
Read more >
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