See what people are saying about our work to end dog racing.

Eddie DeBartolo with Franny and Missy

GREY2K's work to end racing is so important. Please join me in bringing innocent hounds home worldwide

— Mayme Gigl, Colorado greyhound advocate

Eddie DeBartolo with Franny and Missy

It is a travesty what they have done to these dogs for so many years. I applaud GREY2K USA for their efforts.

— Eddie DeBartolo, 2016 Pro Football Hall of Fame Owner

Tom and Kim Scholz

Knowing that a dog dies every three days at a Florida racetrack, we had to become a part of the historic campaign to end dog racing. We have supported the work of GREY2K USA for many years and support Amendment 13 to put an end to this industrialized cruelty to dogs.

— Tom and Kim Scholz, Boston

Nancy Perry

It has been exciting to watch the innovative and tenacious way GREY2K USA Worldwide has advanced the cause of greyhounds — lifting the veil on inherent cruelties of the dog racing world and then working systematically to end this abuse. This wonderful organization has spearheaded tangible progress in recent decades, bringing hope that greyhound racing may be relegated to an historic footnote within our lifetimes.

— Nancy Perry, Senior Vice President, Government Relations, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)

Betty White

How grateful I am for the work that GREY2K USA does, and I thank everyone who appreciates these magnificent animals.

— Betty White, 1922-2021

Chay Neal

We have been grateful to receive the support from the wonderful team at GREY2K USA. Christine and Carey have been great allies in the campaign to expose and shut down greyhound racing here in Australia.

— Chay Neal, President of Animal Liberation Queensland, Australia

Chris DeRose

GREY2K USA is a dedicated and focused organization that has almost single-handedly taken down the dog racing industry in this country. It is an honor to work with them!

— Chris DeRose, Founder of Last Chance for Animals, United States

Dr. Rosemary Elliott

With so much work ahead of us in Australia, we are always grateful for the support and encouragement this wonderful organisation offers. We are so inspired by the efforts of GREY2K USA.

— Dr. Rosemary Elliott, Founder, Sentient, The Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics, Australia

Wayne Pacelle

Under the leadership of Christine Dorchak and Carey Theil, GREY2K USA has shown that a small group of dedicated and informed advocates can make a critical difference for animals.

— Wayne Pacelle, Founder, Animal Wellness Action

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Mayme and Paul with dogs

“Dogs are our family and we are so proud to support the work of GREY2K USA Worldwide to save greyhounds across the globe.”

— Mayme and Paul Gigl with Alex and Ava, Colorado, United States

Janet with Daisy

“Thanks for all that you have done and are continuing to do on an expanding basis to rescue this noble breed from the cruelty and harm of racing in the U.S. and worldwide. I am in awe of your ability to effect change!”

— Janet Naumer and Daisy, Arizona, United States


“I adopted my first greyhound, Delilah, in 1994. At that time, between 30,000 and 40,000 greyhounds were killed a year. I can’t believe all the progress being made by GREY2K USA. I never thought I would see it in my lifetime. God bless the work you do.”

— Lisa Holthaus, New Jersey, United States


“Player was a racer who ended up in blood lab. After we rescued him, he lived out his days in happiness at the National Greyhound Adoption Program. In honor of all the dogs disposed of by racetracks each year, we are proud to ally with GREY2K USA in the fight to end the cruelty of racing everywhere. Carey, Christine and their team have become a formdable threat to this once untouchable industry.”

— David Wolf, Pennsylvania, United States


“If others could witness how terrified my ex-racer Aston is every time he hears a bell or buzzer, I would like to think they would stop supporting the racing industry. Thank you GREY2K USA Worldwide for all you do.”

— Brooke Raudenbush, California, United States


“I once had no idea of the life of a racing greyhound and never knew how dogs are treated. Then I met Shayna and her shattered heart told me all I need to know. Here she is in a soft bed instead of a lonely racetrack cage. End racing for good GREY2K USA!”

— Tracy Benson, California, United States

Debra and greyhound

“Thank you for being this cruel industry’s greatest foe! I so admire your unwavering focus and know the tremendous amount of courage it takes to lobby in the face of a volatile industry. I am very proud to be your supporter!”

— Debra Halliday and Bonnie of Ontario, Canada

Janet with dogs

“CONGRATULATIONS for closing down so many dog tracks, well done! What an amazing result and so much more because if the USA does it today, then the UK will follow suit tomorrow. Keep up the good work and I pray for your continued success.”

— Janet Smith and her dogs, Scotland


“I have nothing but the utmost admiration and gratitude for the people of GREY2K USA Worldwide, as they pursue greyhound safety with such persistent energy and commitment both in the United States and around the globe.”

— Renee Cotton, Greyhound Play Group, Ontario, Canada

Heather and Paul with Sam

“From cage to couch, from lonely to loved, from a racer named Underdawg to our dear boy Sam. We love our greyhound so much, and want to help spare other greyhounds everwhere from being mistreated like he was.”

— Heather and Paul McComas, Illinois, United States


“Anngi is 13 years old but has the spirit of a youngster. We support GREY2K USA because all greyhounds deserve to run in their own yard, just as our greybaby does.”

— Natalie and Leo Larkin, Michigan, United States


“Gentle Jock and I support GREY2K USA from Australia by writing letters and making as many people as possible aware of the excellent work of GREY2K USA. He is the perfect spokesperson for this wonderful breed and has become part of our family.”

— Moira Ferres , Australia

Bandit and Sweetie Pie

“I saw for myself the dangers and inhumane conditions that racing dogs endure each day and realized that adoption alone is not the answer. I hope you will join me, Bandit and Sweetie Pie in supporting GREY2K USA's efforts to end this cruelty once and for all.”

— Cynthia Rennick, Florida, United States


“Greyhounds like my Gracie are eager to please and docile, which unfortunately allows them to be easily exploited by the racing industry. I am in awe of the dedication of Christine, Carey and the entire GREY2K USA board and thank them for speaking out so strongly for our greyhounds.”

— Danielle Marquez, Virginia, United States


“Look deep into a greyhound's eyes and you will see his soul. My Gopher and I hope that everyone who can will adopt a needy greyhound and support GREY2K USA's campaign to greyhounds the voice they need.”

— Tawnie Varnell, Michigan, United States


“I support all of the wonderful work of GREY2K USA and will continue to do so until no dog is used and discared as my tan boy Billy was. He is now safe and sound with our Freddy.”

— Diana Higgins, United Kingdom


“My heart melted when I saw my first greyhound and now it melts every day for my own Isis. Knowing the abuse these beautiful dogs have been enduring at racetracks made me want to help end their suffering. That's why I have supported GREY2K USA ever since.”

—Tumeria Langlois, Maryland, United States


“My sweet Irving has passed away now, but he lives on in my heart and reminds me why greyhounds deserve to be protected.”

—Deborah Williams, Pennsylvania, United States


“Lily is such a sweathart and I love her. She was actually returned to Greyhound Companions of New Mexico. I am so lucky to have her and really appreciate the wonderful job that the GREY2K USA team is doing for our sweet greyhounds.”

— Barbara Taylor, New Mexico, United States

Miss Sally

“My dear ‘Miss Sally’ is a regular at nursing homes. Still timid from her racing days, she jumps and runs at any loud noise. One can only wonder what she was subjected to at the racetrack. Sally will lean in to people and snuggle to be petted — but to this day she hardly ever wags her tail.”

— Donna Andres, Michigan, United States


“Rhian is living the good life now but he endured terrible treatment after breaking his toes and injuring his tarsus (like our wrist) in a training race. Six Months of surgeries did not restore his broken body. Greyhound racing damaged our beautiful boy for life, and I support GREY2K USA's work to keep other greyhounds out of this cruel business.”

— Jane Almon, California, United States

Joyce with greyhound

“GREY2K USA Worldwide works on every front... public relations, education, legislatively and importantly, by involving grassroots activists in the fight to end dog racing. We in Florida are seeing real progress because of their initiatives.”

— Joyce Carta, Chairperson, Committee to Protect Greyhounds, United States

Janet with her son and greyhound

“The GREY2K USA team has worked relentlessly to save living animals from the cruelty of humans. They also help to educate children so that this madness of abusing animals for money stops. I highly recommend that everyone should support GREY2K USA until ALL dog racing ends. GREY2K USA does not succumb to the harsh attacks from the dog racing industry. GREY2K USA is responsible both fiscally and humanly.”

— Janet Deleuse with her son Alex, California, United States

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